Helping people prepare for, find, and keep good jobs is what Goodwill is about.


people were provided workforce development and support services in 2023


people placed into competitive jobs in the community


average hourly wage ($) of people placed into jobs through Goodwill

Hello Everyone – 

Here we are in April! On Monday, it seemed like spring was here. Today, we woke up to snow. Some things can’t be changed by a pandemic, like spring in Michigan. It is good to have things to rely on . 

On Thursday, one day before Governor Whitmer announced that the “Stay Home, Stay Safe” order would be in place through April 30, we made the decision to delay reopening until May 3. We completely agree that now is the time to double down on our efforts to slow the spread of the virus. The way we have any control over this is by staying home and relentlessly maintaining social distancing. The CDC now recommends wearing a mask whenever you are out in public. Even a cloth bandana or scarf will work. Please take this seriously. We want you and your families to all remain healthy and alive. Use the precautions we know to work: wash your hands often and thoroughly, stay home, and maintain six feet from others when you must go out. The number of confirmed cases doesn’t paint an accurate picture of how many people have COVID-19, because not everyone can or is being tested. Many of us are walking around with the virus and don’t realize it because we don’t have symptoms. We are the only ones who can stop the spread of this disease, but it will take all of us and we are doing a great job. The rate of cases doubling has gone up from 1.8 days to 6 days in the last week. Let’s keep it up! The efforts we make today will help us all get back to the things we miss and love. 

This week we suspended most of the work performed in Industrial Services. Our initial efforts to redeploy staff in order to continue servicing to Industrial Services was in part a desire to maintain employment opportunities for staff, and in part a need to support critical infrastructure manufacturing. Given the projected timeline for return to work, the availability of unemployment opportunities for our staff, the reality of the mildly critical nature of the work we were doing, and the fact that the staff had been redeployed from the jobs for which they were hired, we decided to temporarily downsize. We are continuing our work with TGW, and I am so glad we can support this important contract, both for TGW and for the future of the programs we provide that use that contract work to provide training for people returning from prison and jail. 

We also have two new collaborative relationships that began this week as a result of tragedy. The community that provides services to those with disabilities suffered its first loss due to COVID-19 last week. A client died in supported housing, and even as our hearts go out to this person’s friends and family, our concern increases for those in communal living situations and the front-line providers who care for them, even when the people they care for are sick. Pioneer Resources, along with other housing providers, are working on a collaborative effort to set up a care facility specifically for those who are diagnosed or who have symptoms. They are in need of personal protective equipment, and one of the things we have in stores that hospitals have not asked for are scrubs. We have worked out a relationship with Apparelmaster, who will take the scrubs we have on hand and clean them for these front-line housing providers. It is great that we can make a donation like this to impact the needs of the people we serve. 

In case some of you missed Kristin’s email yesterday, Kristen Wilson is now coordinating our Employee Emergency Fund and internal mission concerns for our employees. We are prioritizing food assistance and other urgent needs, as it is currently illegal to evict or foreclose. Those who had housing when the crisis started should be able to maintain it. I am particularly concerned about those who have been laid off who aren’t able to receive unemployment benefits. I understand this morning that the federal assistance should kick in for Michiganders by next week which should extend unemployment benefits for those who may have been previously denied. Most of us are waiting for the proof of checks arrived, but there is good reason to feel confident it is coming. Every person’s situation is unique, however, and we want to support in whatever way we can. Please contact Kristen Wilson if you have a concern and she will help you think through it and find solutions where possible. Her phone number is 231-557-1685. 

Jews are celebrating Passover and Christians are celebrating Easter this weekend. For many of you, your traditions have all been changed – from time spent with family to attending synagogue or church. It is particularly difficult to have the touch points of our lives disrupted. But in spite of being physically and emotionally unsettled, the symbolism of these holidays remain: Freedom from that which enslaves, and the death and resurrection of he who represents love, truth, justice, humility, compassion, and peace. Regardless of faith, there is something in this symbolism for us to consider in light of our present circumstance. 

I hope that you and yours remain healthy and safe – 


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Apr 10, 2020 Category: Employee Updates Posted by: EricHettenbach

Success Story: Caleb

Caleb’s journey with Goodwill has been nothing short of inspiring. Caleb embarked on a path of skill building that illuminated his determination and kindness. Caleb’s dedication shone through every task.

“Caleb is an extremely hard worker, and he is ready to take on new responsibilities,” says his Career Coach, Meg Barry.

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Hoyer receives international sustainability award

Goodwill President and CEO Jeanette Hoyer receives the prestigious Goodwill Industries International Sustainability Champion Award in recognition of her outstanding dedication to advancing sustainable practices and fostering a culture of environmental stewardship within the community.

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Employee Spotlight: Kathy Krajkiewicz

For Kathy, Goodwill isn’t just a workplace — it’s her second home. Through her employment at Goodwill Industries of West Michigan, Kathy has achieved the dream of homeownership. Kathy’s infectious laughter and smile illuminate every room she enters.

Kathy shares her wisdom: “Find a job and get something you like – like I have at Goodwill.”  

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Goodwill awarded Barrier Removal and Employment Success grant

Goodwill was recently awarded a $568,595 Barrier Removal and Employment Success (BRES) grant from the Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity (LEO) to provide vocational certificate training in HVAC, forklift, and customer service.

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Become a Goodwill VITA volunteer!

Goodwill VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) volunteers provide free tax assistance to low- to moderate-income workers and families eligible for significant state and federal tax credits.

Make a difference! Help working people claim and keep all the refunds they are entitled to.

No accounting experience required! Volunteers receive FREE IRS training and certification.

Flexible hours! You can volunteer for day, evening, and/or Saturday hours in any of our tax-prep sites.

Call 231-722-7871, ext. 8482 for more information.


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