Jan 25, 2023
Career Center Manager
Years of service: 9
JOIN US in celebrating Carl Lewis as our Employee Spotlight Feature. Carl brings warmth, compassion, and thoughtfulness to his work as manager of the Goodwill Career Center. Employed at Goodwill for over nine years, Carl has served in multiple roles including: financial coach, Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program coordinator, and Workforce Development Team Lead.
Carl is an inspirational leader and advocates for everyone we serve. His direction, innovation, and dedication to Goodwill’s VITA program —from training volunteers, to grant writing, and forging community partnerships — has strengthened and expanded this critical community service over the years.
Carl’s greatest role model is his grandfather, Herbert Taylor. Herbert was a minister, entrepreneur, carpenter, and farmer. He gave his time and talent to those in need.
Carl believes that God doesn’t make mistakes. His philosophy is that knowledge is simply a collection of facts, but wisdom is knowing how to apply knowledge.
Something people may not know about Carl; he is an avid gardener and loves to play in the dirt planting flowers and landscaping. He is also an Investigation Discovery channel junkie.
We loved Carl’s closing remarks about service to others, “Even a broken crayon can still color.”
Thank you, Carl, for all you do!
* Full time
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